
Course Information


Term: 2019-2020 Late Summer


EDUC 413 (Undergraduate) / 513 (Post-baccalaureate). STEM PRACTICUM AND APPLIED LEADERSHIP. A capstone course designed to integrate previously learned concepts in other STEM endorsement classes through a long-range service project and teaching experience in a PreK-12 setting. The course is designed to develop the ability to endorsement candidates to integrate previously learned content and dispositions to have a dynamic impact on schools and the field of education. Critical course components include engagement with STEM community partners from business and industry outside of the PreK-12 settings, developing recourses for the PreK-12 setting, and furthering the promotion of STEM teaching and learning as an instructional leader. The course covers broad themes: STEM in Society and Professions, STEM Education, and STEM Educational Leadership. The capstone course will be structured with a weekly practicum meeting for the total cohort, but the individual students will each be partn