EDUC 512. INTEGRATIVE STEM FOR SECONDARY AND HIGH SCHOOL. This course focuses on STEM topics, methods, curriculum and instruction for school students in secondary settings, grades 9-12. In this course, students will (a) utilize their knowledge of the standards to create and implement lesson plans in the field, (b) Explore hot topics in STEM education such as robotics and 3D printing (c) Gain hands on experience with technology tools related to STEM education. In addition, students will participate in a field component where they will design, implement, and reflect using the reflective teaching model on lessons and units that incorporate an integrative STEM learning cycle approach and developmentally appropriate methodology for 9-12 students. Prerequisite: EDUC 511. This course is in partial fulfillment of the STEM endorsement from Pennsylvania Department of Education. Semester course, online only, three hours.