
Course Information


Term: 2025-2026 Spring Semester


Tue-Thu, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (1/12/2026 - 5/5/2026) Location: MAIN HAL 112


EDUC 327. TEACHING ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS. Elementary mathematics concepts and pedagogy will be introduced within the framework of the curriculum and evaluation standards recommended by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Mathematical strands to be explored include geometry; measurement; number sense; whole number operations; patterns and functions; fraction and decimal operations; graphing; statistics; and probability. A strong emphasis will be placed on problem solving as a skill needed to make informed decisions about life. All concepts will be taught with a dependence on manipulative activities. The scope of the course goes from early childhood to adolescence. A structured field experience is embedded within the course. It is strongly recommended that this course be completed before taking additional three-credit elementary methods courses. Prerequisite: Mathematics 151 and Sophomore standing. Semester course, three hours.